Rabu, 11 April 2012


Question 1 through 6 are based in the following passage.
The ancient egytians firmly believed in the afterlife and spent their time on earth preparing fot it. Elaborate burial rituals included preparing the burial site, providing for all of the deccased’s material needs(food, cloting, jewels, and (5) tools of their trade), and preserving the corpse so that it would not decay. This preservation was accomplished through a process of mummification. The ancients left no written accounts as to the execution of this process, so scientists have had to examine mummies and this process, so scientists have had to examine mummies and establish their (10) own theories. The embalming process might have taken up to seventy days for the pharaosh andnobility ang only a few days for the poor.
the embalmers spread a variety of compounds of salt, spices, and resins in and over the curpse to preserve it. They (15) followed this with a prescribed wrapping, a procedure in which they wound strips of fine linen around, over, and under the body while placing various amulets within the wrappings to protect the decceased from harm on the long journey to the afterlife. They also painted resins over the (20) wrapped linen. Finally, a pharaoh or noble would have been encased in a wooden box before being placed in a sarcophagus.
1. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
            (A) Bodies were preserved as a metter of religiuous belief
            (B) All mummification took seventy days to complete
            (C) Special commpounds were used to embalm the bodies
            (D) It has been difficult to derermine the process used
JAWAB          :  (B) “early excision” means “hot boning”. Paragraf 3says “early excision, or hot boning, “which indicates that they mean the same thing.

2. Why did the ancient Egytians mummify the deceased ?
            (A) To preserve the body from destruction
            (B) To scare tomb robbers
            (C) To encase the body in a sarcophagus
            (D) To protect the body from harm on the journey to the afterline.
JAWAB          : (C) the last paragraf states, “..hot boning following electrical stimulation has been used than that if is an adjective modifying “carcass”

3. It can be inferred that the Egyptians buried food, elothing, jewels, and tools with the deceased because
            (A) The fanilly did not want anyone else to shared them
            (B) That was the wish of the deceased
            (C) They were afraid
            (D) They deceased would need them while enroute to the afterlife
JAWAB          : (C) there is no contextual clue to assist you if you do not know what “bovine” means, other than that it is an adjective modifying “carcass”.

4. The word “amuletes” in line 17 is closest in meaning to
            (A) Weapons
            (B) Coins
            (C) Charms
            (D) Curse
JAWAB          : (B) the sentence preceding this sentence is discussing the advantage of hot boning following electrical stimulation, rather than hot boning alone. So “this” refers to that concept. Notice that “roger mortis” (C) is not a “method” at all.
5. In line 6 ,”acomplished” is closest in meaning to
            (A) Performed
            (B) Forsaken
            (C) Reproduced
            (D) Dwindled
JAWAB          : (B) the entire reading is about treatment of the body of the dead animal, which is what a “carcass” is.

6. The distinction between mummification of bodies from different classes is explained in lines
            (A) 2-6
            (B) 10-9
            (C) 13-14
            (D) 15-17
JAWAB          : (D) The word “considerable” modifies “amount of refrigerated space.” What can modify an amount ? it must mean a large amount or a small amount. Answers (A) and (B) make no sense in that context, and “lesser” is not followed by words indicating it is a compparison.

Quensions 7 through 8 are based on the following passage

A tapeworn is a parasite that lives in the intestine of humans and animals. Some tapeworm attech themselves to the intestinal wall by means of sukers in their heads. Others float freely in the intestines and absorb food through (5) the walls of their bodies.
            A tapeworm consists of numerous  segments. When a new segment forms, the older ines move to the back of the animal. Each segment contains hermaphroditic sexual organs (that is, male and female organs). The uterus of each (10) segment fills with eggs, which develop ointo embryos. Generally, when the eggs are ready to hatch, the segment breaks off and is eliminated through the host’s excretory system. These embryos hatch, develop into larvae, and grow to adults only if ingested by an intermediate host.
(15) one may be infected by tapeworms by eating under cooked beef, pork, or fish. Symptoms incluted irreguler appetite, abdominal discomfort, anemia, weakness, and nervousness.

7. The passage implies that all of the following are true EXCEPT
            (A) an embryo will cease to develop if not ingested a host
            (B) a tapeworm will continue to live even when segments break off
            (C) the segment farthest back on the tail is the oldest
            (D) tapeworm always float freely in the digestive system
JAWAB          : (D) the reading states that hot boning actually results in tougher meat, so answer (A) is not correct. The reading does not say anything about what the bones can be used for, so (B) is incorrect. (C) is incorrect because increasing chiling time certainly would not be a benefit and would not be recommended.

8. The word “eliminated” in line 12 in closesst in meaning to
            (A) ingeted
            (B) expelled
            (C) eaten
            (D) grown
JAWAB          : (B) this word is related to the verb “trim,” which means to cut or remove.

9. A hermaphrodite is
            (A) a tapeworm
            (B) a segment containing an embryo
            (C) a being contains male and famale sexual organs
            (D) an animal made of segments
JAWAB          : (B) the last sentence says that the united states currently controls the canel.

10. The word “others” in line 4 refers to
            (A) segments
            (B) embryos
            (C) eggs
            (D) tapworms
JAWAB          : (D) locks are enlosures of the canel governed by gates that allow the interior water to be raised or lowered so ships can pass from one elevation of the canel to another.

11. Which of the following is probably NOT a symptom of tape worm infestation ?
            (A) Unusual eating habits
            (B) Excitability
            (C) Deficiency of red blood cells
            (D) Euphoria
JAWAB          : (C) sentence 2 says that it costs fifteen thousand dollars to travel through the canel and ten times that amount ($150.000) to go aroubd cape horm.

12. Which of the following statements is true ?
            (A) A tapeworm uterus contains one egg
            (B) Overcooked beef is a cause of tapeworms
            (C) A male tapeworm must always be ingested before reproduction will occur.
            (D) Tapeworms vary in their methods of ingesting food.
JAWAB          : (A) sentence 1 suggests that 1920 was thirty – nine years after the cenal construction was begun (1920 – 39 = 1881 ).

13.What would be the best title for this reading passage ?
            (A) Parasites
            (B) Reproduction of the tapeworm
            (C) The tapeworm, a harmful parasite           
            (D) Segmented parasites
JAWAB          : (B) because of lower cocts and shorter traveling time, we can assume that the project has been beneficial.

14. A tapeworm attaches itsell to the intestinal wall by
            (A) suction
            (B) liquid
            (C) food
            (D) teeth
JAWAB          : (D) because of lower costs and shorter traveling timen we can assume that the project has beeb beneficial.

15. In line 6, the word “segments” is closest in meaning to
            (A) types
            (B) sections
            (C) organs
            (D) worms
JAWAB          : (B) “initiated” means “ commenced,” or “launcged”.

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